Back To The Future

The lead photo sums this post up – at least in terms of the camera gear and film used. The backstory is more involved. The idea of shooting film again grabbed me – except I didn’t have a film camera any more. Or did I? Rummaging around in a cupboard I found my old Rollei 35T – a tiny gem of a camera, bought used from the camera shop I worked at in the early ’80s. The condition still looked great, but the slow shutter speeds were sticky. Honestly, I vaguely recall getting it cheap because they were like that when I originally bought it. But with nothing usable now below 1/60s I decided some TLC was in order and so packed up the much loved but long neglected little beast off to Jeremy at Film Furbish. And the results from the first test film really aren’t bad – at least technically, if not artistically.